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Občasník plný užitečných rad a tipů pro učení a používání angličtiny číslo 88, vyšlo 5. září 2020

Vazby dvou sloves - testy (Verb patterns - tests)

Vazby dvou sloves si zaslouží důkladné procvičení, protože jsou Achillovou patou českých studentů. Místo jednoduché věty se dvěma slovesy se český student často pokouší o složitá souvětí s vysokou pravděpodobností, že udělá chybu. Proto si raději projděte tyto tři testy. Správné řešení najdete na konci.

Test A)

Slovesa v závorkách dejte do správného tvaru (infinitivu s to nebo bez to, nebo -ingového tvaru). V některých případech je více možností.

1. We agreed (work) overtime for one week. 2. She decided against (drink) red wine. 3. The car needs (test). 4. I tried (repair) the washing machine myself, but in the end I had to call a serviceman. 5. You don´t like the picture here? O.K., so I will try (put) it on the other wall. Is this better? 6. Will you hear the door-bell (ring) with the music playing so loudly? 7. She avoided (answer) my questions. 8. He denied (break) the company rules. 9. I still remember (talk) to him about the accident. 10. Deborah keeps (go) to the fitness centre. 11. Does your father enjoy (spend) his holiday at the seaside? 12. I managed (pass) the exam the third time.

Test B)

Souvětí nahraďte infinitivní nebo -ingovou vazbou. Např. He likes it when he has a day off. → He likes having a day off.

1. I can´t stand it when I get stuck in the traffic jam. 2. Mike offered that he would help us. 3. Lucy suggested that we went to the cinema. 4. She promised that she would call me. 5. I hope that I will see you soon again. 6. Everyone expects that Mark will pass the exam. 7. I often imagine that I have a different job. 8. Peter agrees that he will travel to Barcelona. 9. They pretend that they don´t understand anything. 10. Do you enjoy it when you cycle?

Test C)

Přeložte věty z češtiny do angličtiny za použití infinitivní nebo -ingové vazby.

1. Co si myslíš o nošení školních uniforem? 2. Jděte dál a na konci ulice zabočte doleva. 3. Vyhýbají se tomu, aby cestovali vlakem. 4. Nemůžeme si dovolit koupit laserovou tiskárnu. 5. Ty baterie je třeba dobít. 6. Nevadí jim hodinu na nás počkat. 7. Zdá se, že tenhle software funguje mnohem rychleji. 8. Nemohli jsme si pomoci a museli jsme se smát. 9. Pokusím se najít ty ztracené soubory. 10. John odmítl používat služební telefon na soukromé hovory.



Řešení testů:

Test A)

1. We agreed to work overtime for one week. 2. She decided against drinking red wine. 3.  The car needs testing. 4. I tried to repair the washing machine myself, but in the end I had to call a serviceman. 5. You don´t like the picture here? O.K., so I will try putting it on the other wall. Is this better ? 6. Will you hear the door-bell ringing / ring with the music playing so loudly? 7. She avoided answering my questions. 8. He denied breaking the company rules. 9. I still remember talking to him about the accident. 10. Deborah keeps going to the fitness centre. 11. Does your father enjoy spending his holiday at the seaside? 12. I managed to pass the exam the third time.

Test B)

1. I can´t stand getting stuck in a traffic jam. 2. Mike offered to help us. 3. Lucy suggested going to the cinema. 4. She promised to call me. 5. I hope to see you soon again. 6. Everyone expects Mark to pass the exam. 7. I often imagine having a different job. 8. Peter agrees to travel to Barcelona. 9. They pretend not to understand anything. 10. Do you enjoy cycling?

Test C)

1. What do you think of / What is your opinion of wearing school uniforms? 2. Keep walking and turn left at the end of the street. 3. They avoid travelling by train. 4. We can´t afford to buy a laser printer. 5. The batteries need charging. 6. They don´t mind waiting for us for an hour. 7. This software seems to be working much faster. 8. We couldn´t help laughing. 9. I will try / attempt to find the lost files. 10. John refused to use the company phone for private calls.

Mgr. Pavel Rynt - EASY ENGLISH © 2020