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Občasník plný užitečných rad a tipů pro učení a používání angličtiny číslo 77, vyšlo 17. června 2018

Nepřímá řeč – test (Reported speech – test)

Zde je slíbený malý test na mluvnici, kterou jsme si vysvětlili v předchozím newsletteru.

Vyberte správnou možnost:

1. I don´t know where
a) does Tom work.
b) Tom does work.
c) Tom works.
d) works Tom.

2. He wasn´t sure about what
a) is my job.
b) was my job.
c) job do I.
d) my job was.

3. The box-office lady asked what film
a) we wanted to see.
b) did we want to see.
c) do we want to see.
d) we want to see.

4. She didn´t tell me how much
a) was the rent.
b) the rent was.
c) is the rent.
d) does the rent.

5. A week ago Mark said
a) he will send me an email tomorrow.
b) he would send me an e-mail the next day.
c) he will send me an e-mail the next day.
d) he sends me an e-mail tomorrow.

6. Last Saturday she didn´t remember what time
a) did she get home the night before.
b) she got home last night.
c) did she get home last night.
d) she got home the night before.


Správné řešení:

1. c, 2. d, 3. a, 4. b, 5. b, 6. d

Copyright Mgr. Pavel Rynt - EASY ENGLISH © 2017